I swear I had nothing to do with this.... The art teacher called me yesterday.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 421
2 days ago
At nap time, if one of them starts coughing, they will ALL start fake coughing. Seriously, it's like working in a tuberculosis ward.
When they first begin to write their names, they will often write them on furniture. When caught, they will deny it, because they haven't figured out that they're the only ones who would write their own names.
Guest speakers who haven't spent a lot of time with five-year-olds will usually ask the kids, "Are there any questions?" Which ALWAYS elicits the response, "One time, I was at Chuck E. Cheese...." Suckeerrrs....
Every time an X-men movie comes out, I have to say, "Take your crayons out from between your fingers. You are not Wolverine."